Student Name: Metrius Moore
School: Parkside Collegiate Institute – Fanshawe college
Area of Study: Video game design and teaching
Year/grade of Study: graduated highschool for a year starting college in January Time
with STEAM: 4 months
We are proud to recognize our amazing STEAM Leaders who volunteer their time, join in as interns or co-op students and work so hard to create quality educational and community programming. Today we introduce Metrius who has started with us as a volunteer and then joined us in the Canada Summer Jobs position of art instructor for our elementary level summer camps.
The Project:
I have had a selection of tasks in my time both volunteering and working with the STEAM Centre, however my largest contribution would be towards the camps. I developed content and taught at the Coding and Creating camp which brought me the utmost joy helping those kids push their limits and truly learn. It also was an amazing opportunity to learn for me as I had to push myself to get stimulating and new activities for them. I also helped with developing programs for schools and a coding for educators guide which I am very proud of.
Students’ background:
I used to go to Parkside C.I. and after graduating I took some time off and volunteered with the STEAM Centre.. I am going to Fanshawe in January for Video game design which I plan to turn into my degree to teach.
How do you know the STEAM Centre?
I originally learned of the STEAM Centre when I entered highschool and had friends talk about their experience entering a semester there. I participated in their 3d printing workshop and met the lovely fred who ignited my passion for 3d modelling. This pushed me to further my skills as well as continue seeking out STEAM Centre opportunities.
What difference do you think the projects you are working on will have to youth and the community?
I feel amazing about the games the children created when I helped them code, not only being a camp activity but something they can further develop at home. I didn’t give them a fish, I taught them how to use the rod.
The coding for educator guide I also believe will have a great effect on any educators who are intimidated by the coding and new curriculum. I truly hope it helps students and teachers alike.
Finally I believe my unique perspective and expertise as well as ideas have really brought new things to these students and new opportunities I wish I had available. That is always my intention.
Want to become a STEAM Leader? Join the STEAM Education Centre team and start volunteering today by emailing us at info@steameducation.ca