Brian Figueiredo has made it clear, as the New Blue Party of Ontario candidate in Elgin-Middlesex-London, he is the only Conservative option on the ballot in the provincial election this Thursday.
An election that never should have been called at this time, argues the Bayham resident.
As he knocks on doors this campaign, Figueiredo is finding there appears to be a common theme.
“A lot of, especially in the rural areas, people are not too happy with how government’s been formed, just generally speaking. \
“Over the last six or seven years, people are frustrated with the school system. People are frustrated with health care, especially out in rural areas.
He stresses the established parties constantly campaign on promises they don’t really enact.
He adds it’s time for a government that “does what’s in the best interest of our constituents and not for a political agenda.”
Health care can be compared to a fast food lineup argues Figueiredo. That means people are not getting the attention they need.
He points out the province is growing “At an alarming rate where we don’t have the infrastructure or the institutions caught up in order to service all the people that are coming here.”
What’s needed in the province is a return to the basics in education.
Figueiredo adds, “We need strong, literate children who can think critically, who are loving and accepting. ”
Acknowledging that immigration is a federal matter, he urges the province to step up to the plate and follow the example of Quebec, “which has a very strong say at the amount of immigration that they’re bringing into the province.”
Figueiredo assures he wants to represent all constituents in the riding, no matter their political beliefs.
myFM will be profiling all six candidates running in Elgin-Middlesex-London.
Written by Ian McCallum