Freezing temperatures have hit the area which have prompted skaters and ice fishing enthusiasts to flock to on our local waterways.
Because of this, both the City of St. Thomas and the St. Thomas Fire Department have shared reminders to social media, warning residents about the dangers that could occur while out on the ice.
While speaking with Chief Fire Prevention Officer Kim Destun about this very issue, she stressed it’s important to know all the risks.
With so many risks, Destun provided a number of tips for staying as safe as possible while out near water.
And while it’s important to always have someone with you, Destun also notes that if someone you’re with does fall through the ice, do not attempt to rescue them.
She adds that its important to remember that no matter how cold it is outside, no ice is considered safe ice.
The City of St. Thomas does not monitor or confirm ice thickness on any body of water within the city. As such, staff cannot guarantee that any ice surface is safe for recreational activities.
Residents are also reminded that skating or accessing storm water management ponds is not permitted. The constant movement of water, combined with unpredictable freeze and thaw cycles, makes the ice on these ponds extremely unsafe.
Written by: K. Freeman