Over 3,200 students spanning 23 different schools were given the opportunity this week to immerse themselves in an interactive and education experience as the St. Thomas-Elgin Children’s Water Festival returned to Pinafore Park.
The grade 2-5’s from schools within the Thames Valley and London District Catholic School Boards were treated to an unforgettable and impactful day featuring dynamic displays and hands-on experiments.
myFM was honoured to attend media day on Thursday, where we along with the festival’s partners and sponsors received a tour of the park and the 46 unique activity stations set up throughout.
Betsy McClure, Water Festival Coordinator shared a little on its history during the tour.
It’s quite the undertaking notes McClure, with volunteers from conservation authorities, government agencies, environmental organizations, private businesses and more, stepping up to benefit our local students.
Highlights of the festival include “Lather Up,” where students experience outdoor shower stalls to grasp the essence of water conservation, “Eagle Survivor,” simulating the impact of polluted water on Bald Eagles’ food supply, and “Beach Postings,” spotlighting the correlation between land use practices and water quality at beaches.
Another popular station notes McClure, focuses on the amount of water we use each day.
Students also had the chance to learn more about how water makes its way into our houses adds McClure.
The St. Thomas-Elgin Children’s Water Festival is entirely self funded and costs organizers roughly $100,000 to host the 4 day event each year.
McClure thanks all the community partners and sponsors who helped make the festival so successful, including the City of St. Thomas, London District Catholic School Board, Thames Valley District School Board and Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada in addition to numerous local and regional organizations.
Written by: K. Freeman