Ontario reported 2,923 new cases of COVID-19 today (Wednesday), another one-day record. Southwestern Public Health meantime is reporting 29 new cases this morning with 40 cases resolved. There are nine new cases in St. Thomas, two in Aylmer and one each in Bayham and West Elgin. There have been 12 COVID-19 related deaths since the pandemic began.
There are 263 confirmed ongoing cases in the health unit’s coverage area, with 61 in Tillsonburg, 50 in Aylmer, 49 in St. Thomas, 27 in Woodstock, 24 in East Zorra-Tavistock, 10 in Norwich, 9 in Bayham, six in Central Elgin and Ingersoll, five in Southwold, Blandford-Blenheim and Zorra, four in SW Oxford and two in West Elgin.
Currently eight people are hospitalized with two of those individuals in the ICU.
Thirty-one residents and 20 staff members at Maple Manor in Tillsonburg have tested positive, with 32 residents and 17 staff at People Care in Tavistock, three staff at Chartwell in Aylmer, two staff at Seasons Retirement Home in St. Thomas, five staff at Terrace Lodge in Malahide and two residents at Elgin Manor in Southwold.
One hundred and forty-two of the cases are individuals under the age of 50, of those 37 are under the age of 20.
The number of resolved cases is 940.
There are 124.4 ongoing confirmed cases per 100,000 population in the SWPH region as compared to 116.6 per 100,000 in the Middlesex-London Health Unit region. The crude rate for St. Thomas is 495.3 cases per 100,000 population and 3,216.8 per 100,000 in Aylmer.
The assessment centre at St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital undertook 377 tests on Monday.