What began as a pleasant morning of fishing on Lake Margaret quickly turned tragic when a canoe holding three friends tipped over.
Two people were rescued, however, after a day-long search, the body of 26-year-old Ryan Davies was recovered.
That nightmarish incident last Labour Day spurred Davies’ mother, Linda King into action.
It is not believed they were wearing life jackets and so King wants to establish a life jacket loaner program.
She would like to see the life jackets available in Port Stanley and at Lake Margaret and Lake Pinafore in St. Thomas.
King – a member of the Elgin County Drowning Prevention Coalition – explains how the program would operate and why such an initiative is needed near beaches and on lakes.
Similar programs are being established elsewhere in the province points out the Port Stanley resident.
In July of 1925, what was known as the Swan Boat sank on Lake Pinafore resulting in the drowning deaths of seven children.
She feels even smaller bodies of water merit such a program plus warning signs on the depth of the water.
St. Thomas Fire Chief Dave Gregory advises at its deepest spot, Lake Margaret has a depth of about 20 feet. Complicating matters is the thick area of weeds under the surface of the water.
King would like to see a program in place for next year’s swimming and boating season.
Written by Ian McCallum