Southwestern Public Health last month launched a partnership designed to support eligible first-time parents.
The health unit along with the Healthy Babies Healthy Children program rolled out the Nurse-Family Partnership.
Public Health Nurse Kayla Rooke explains while it is a new program locally, it has been in existence elsewhere.
Under the program, the health unit will support eligible individuals experiencing financial or social hardships who are pregnant with their first child or preparing to become first-time parents.
The program is a free, enrollment-based home visiting service for eligible individuals.
Rooke explains who is eligible to participate in the program.
She adds once you are enrolled you are connected to a registered nurse who will provide support, advice, and information you need for a healthy pregnancy and positive parenting journey.
The goal, advises Rooke, is to enhance the health, well-being, and self-sufficiency of first-time parents and their babies. She explains how parents can enroll.
She adds, in all honesty, it can be a life-altering program.
For more information on the Family-Nurse Partnership, visit Nurse-Family Partnership – Southwestern Public Health (swpublichealth.ca)