It’s “Your Health, Your Wellness Day” here on 94.1 myFM where we’ll be shining a spotlight on some of the amazing local businesses putting a focus on the health and well being of their clients.
It’s a simple, but in so many cases, a life-altering mission offered by the staff of Bayshore Home Health. Customized care services for clients, patients and their families.
Something Bayshore likes to call, My Life By Design. Which encompasses four pillars of healthcare.
Sara Cusenza, a Bayshore area director, elaborates on a couple of those related pillars.
Audio PlayerWith Bayshore, it’s all about living life, independently with the right care and support to meet your needs, which might involve the remaining two pillars, adds Cusenza.
Audio PlayerAging at home is a preferred option for many seniors – 96% of Canadian seniors want to remain in their own homes, according to a study undertaken by the National Institute on Ageing.
While St. Thomas is very much urban-centred, much of Elgin is rural-based, which Cusenza says Bayshore accounts for when hiring caregivers.
Audio PlayerA diagnosis of Dementia or Alzheimer’s is life changing for both the individual with the disease and their family and loved ones. Providing care for someone living with this disease is not a simple task and can place a great deal of stress on the caregiver.
An area of healthcare Bayshore is well-equipped to help family and caregivers navigate.
Audio PlayerCusenza adds, if you’re researching living arrangements for yourself or a senior loved one, be sure to consider all of the options – including the one most older adults prefer: aging in place.
Audio PlayerAging in place means continuing to live at home for as long as possible. Research has shown that the majority of older Canadians prefer this option over long-term care facilities or moving in with family members.
An important factor to consider, suggests Cusenza, is social isolation.
Audio PlayerLocally, Bayshore Home Health is located at 595 Bradley Avenue in London. You can visit their website at
You can hear an extended interview below.
Audio Player