If a sign of success is muck-splattered youngsters, then Saturday’s 3rd annual Junior Jumbo Mud Challenge was a down-and-dirty winner.
Mud challenge team member Pedro Gavilanez told myFM well over 300 youngsters signed up to run or walk through the 1.5 km obstacle course on the grounds of Faith Church in St. Thomas.
Proceeds from this year’s fun fundraiser go toward the YWCA’s poverty interventions programming.
The fun fundraiser proved such a success that organizers are looking at an even muddier event next year, explains Gavilanez.
And how do you improve on the mud challenge?
Just add more obstacles and make it even muddier, suggests Gavilanez.
The challenge which had a target of raising between $5,000 and $7,000 featured food trucks and other fun activities for the whole family with rock climbing and others games for people who wanted to participate but not get dirty.
Written by Ian McCallum