A trip to a petting zoo is an enjoyable outing for youngsters and their families.
Starting next spring, area residents and visitors to St. Thomas will enjoy time spent at The Putting Zoo.
That’s the name of the mini-golf course given the green light Monday by city council. The almost two-acre facility will be located on Elm Street, next to the Pinafore Park entrance.
Vyvyan Campbell outlines the theme of her mini-putt course.
City council on Monday approved a zoning bylaw amendment allowing for development of the course on land zoned residential.
Campbell tells myFM why she chose to proceed with the recreational facility.
The location for her mini-golf course is a natural and Campbell says the landscaping she envisions will complement the natural features at Pinafore and she has everything at the ready.
She outlines what the landscaping will entail.
In addition to the wild animal theme, Campbell says there is no limit on other themes that can be adopted for days like Halloween.
Campbell advises the course likely will be open May through October although weather will determine the exact length of the season each year.
Written by Ian McCallum