In announcing his intention to seek re-election to city council, Steve Peters summed it up as there is a lot of work to be done on a lot of issues.
While he represented Elgin-Middlesex-London at Queen’s Park for a dozen years, he admits his real passion is municipal politics.
That was the motivation for his return to city council in October of 2018.
Of the 10,259 residents who cast their ballot in the municipal vote that year, 8,197 indicated they wanted the former city mayor and MPP back representing their interests.
When Peters launched that 2018 campaign, he stressed the role of all members of city council is to ensure ratepayers are getting best value for their money.
Peters leaves no doubt he has savoured his return to the council chamber at city hall.
That has been a determining factor in his decision to seek re-election in the fall municipal vote.
With only a fixed amount of money available without burdening taxpayers, Peters makes it clear it comes down to priorities, one of which is city infrastructure.
He adds, the city and municipalities across Ontario need to initiate serious discussions related to provincial funding.
If re-elected, Peters would like to re-visit the relationship between the city and neighbouring municipalities. It’s an area that has always been a critical focal point for Peters.
Peters – who announced his intention last month to pursue another term on council – notes the city and County of Elgin both have tourism and economic development staff. He says duplication in these two areas is not in the best interest of ratepayers.
Written by Ian McCallum