The province this morning is reporting 11,899 new COVID-19 cases with 43 deaths.
A total of 2,472 individuals across the province are hospitalized with 338 in ICU, of those 177 are on a ventilator.
Southwestern Public Health is reporting 194 new cases with 86 resolved.
The death toll is 117 since the pandemic began.
The percent positivity rate in the region has hit 24.8%, the highest since the start of the pandemic.
There are 60 new cases in St. Thomas, 15 in Aylmer, five in Central Elgin and Dutton/Dunwich, two in West Elgin, Malahide and Southwold and one in Bayham.
There are 1,543 ongoing cases in the health unit’s coverage area with 489 in Woodstock, 435 in St. Thomas, 122 in Ingersoll, 79 in Tillsonburg, 74 in Central Elgin, 56 in Aylmer, 51 in East Zorra-Tavistock and Zorra, 39 in Blandford-Blenheim, 33 in Norwich, 31 in Dutton/Dunwich, 25 in West Elgin, 24 in SW Oxford, 15 in Bayham, 11 in Malahide and eight in Southwold.
There are 10 resident cases and eight staff cases at Caressant Care Bonnie Place in St. Thomas, 10 resident and 17 staff cases at Valleyview, four resident and two staff case at Elgin Manor, two residents and six staff at Extendicare in Port Stanley and one resident and five staff at Chartwell in Aylmer.
There are 17 hospitalizations at this time, with three in ICU. Of the cases hospitalized since the pandemic began, 34.9 per cent were admitted to the ICU.
One thousand and seventy-two cases are individuals under the age of 50, with 313 of those under the age of 20.
The number of resolved cases is 6,499.
A total of 157,616 residents in the region have been fully immunized or 74.0 per cent.
There are 704.9 ongoing confirmed cases per 100,000 population in the SWPH region as compared to 853.9 per 100,000 in the Middlesex-London Health Unit region. The crude rate for St. Thomas is 1,020.9 cases per 100,000 population and 674.9 cases per 100,000 population for Aylmer.