Elgin county was notified by Southwestern Public Health Friday afternoon that four Elgin Manor residents have tested positive for COVID-19.
The impacted individuals are now isolating.
In addition, a staff member at both Elgin Manor and Bobier Villa have tested positive.
Residents in all three of the county’s long-term care facilities are being monitored and county staff are working with the health unit on outbreak management and to identify close contacts of the residents.
Residents, staff and community members who are determined to be at risk are being contacted to prevent further spread of illness in the Home or in the community.
“I am sure this is difficult information for families of our residents to hear, especially during the holidays,” said Elgin Warden Mary French.
“It is important for the families of our residents to know that Elgin county has an amazing team of highly trained and dedicated staff working in our Homes. This team has responded quickly and remains committed to providing the best care possible to your loved ones.”
Terrace Lodge in Malahide does not have any positive cases among residents or staff. Regular updates and changes to visitor restrictions will be provided to residents, families and caregivers.