Jill Ferguson grew up understanding the importance of government and politics from an early age. Which she says may have been a big influence on where she is today- Member’s Assistant to Elgin-Middlesex-London MP Karen Vecchio.
And now, Ferguson spends each day in the very community she grew up in, trying to make it a better place for all residents.
With just over four years under her belt, Ferguson has had the opportunity to dive into the communities of St. Thomas and Elgin head first through many events and announcements.
Ferguson says some of her proudest moments on the job are community orientated, including the wildly successful Reverse Santa Clause Parade in Pinafore Park last year.
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to have a huge impact on all of our lives, but Ferguson points to the ever-changing information that needed to be communicated back to the public as one of the biggest challenges she has faced so far in her career.
Despite that, she says she will always look back at the pandemic as a learning experience, trying to take some positives from all the negativity. As far as advice for someone else thinking about getting into the field, Ferguson says confidence is key!
She adds even though a job in politics isn’t for everyone, there are some amazing people out there trying to accomplish great things.
Our extended interview with Jill Ferguson can be heard below…