While permitted on the pond in Pinafore Park, fishing and canoeing on Lake Margaret won’t be happening anytime soon. Members of city council voted 5-4 Monday to not proceed with an environmental assessment to determine whether recreational activities are feasible on the lake. Although it appeared he was initially in favour of such a study, Mayor Joe Preston joined Councillors Jeff Kohler, Mark Tinlin, Jim Herbert and Steve Peters in defeating the motion.
Audio PlayerFor a sum of $49,245 plus HST, Ecosystem Recovery Inc. of Kitchener was to undertake an environmental assessment of the Lake Margaret area.
Over the past 20 years, two master plans have been created for Lake Margaret, both were conservation-based and both recommended no activity on the lake including swimming, fishing, or recreational watercraft.
Coun. Jeff Kohler was opposed, saying there are other area venues for these activities.
Audio PlayerA parks and recreation report to council on Monday advises, “The existing plan reflects a largely historical use which may not be of today’s mindset.”
The report continues, “The recreational use of the lake has changed since this report was commissioned. The city should look to do a study that looks at the lake holistically.
“The new plan should evaluate the environmental features of the lake and if these features could provide recreation opportunities at minimal risk to the surrounding terrestrial lands and fish population.”
Coun. Steve Peters indicated he is in favour of maintaining the status quo as recommended in the two previous master plans.
Audio PlayerThe environmental assessment proposed by Ecosystem Recovery would have assessed fish species and populations, water quality, biological conditions, amphibian and reptile populations and risk to birds and plants.