With Canada Day right around the corner, the Railway City Rotary Club has a gift for the community which was unveiled this morning (Monday) at the St. Thomas Elevated Park.
The gift comes in the form of all-metal, fully tuned musical instruments designed and fabricated by area metal artist Scott McKay. The central instrument is a tower of eight tubular chimes rising to a height of 13 feet. The second instrument is a five note chime. The third is a “talking tube” or Aerophone.
Elevated park spokesman Serge Lavoie says the instruments are part of a 75-foot-long kids play area.
Lavoie says the instruments are part of an ambitious expansion this summer at Canada’s first elevated park.
The donation was announced last September and Rotary Club president Scott Carrie said at the time. “we feel that the addition of musical instruments will really add play value to the park.”