Thousands of people gathered across the province today to help put an end to human trafficking. What started out as an ad campaign called Project ONroute, has now grown on a national scale officially changing to #ProjectMapleLeaf.
Announced today (July 30) on International Day to End Trafficking in Persons, the new campaign will officially launch on February 22nd and will end a year from now on July 30, 2020.
Project lead and founder of Courage For Freedom Kelly Franklin says the new project will pick up where Project ONroute left off, just on a national scale.
Franklin says the support of local dignitaries, police officers, and concerned Ontarians is the reason this project was able to grow nationally.
Elgin-Middlesex-London MPP Jeff Yurek was on hand for the announcement today and says the government is working to make changes to help the fight against human sex trafficking by supporting campaigns like #ProjectMapleLeaf.
If you suspect that someone you know is a victim of human sex trafficking, it is up to you to speak out by calling 911 or the Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-833-900-1010 if you wish to remain anonymous.
For more information on the new project or human trafficking, visit